Updated on May 2, 11:19 a.m. (GMT+8): Added more relevant links.

The first Cryo queen to debut in Genshin Impact is back to take all your Primogems.

Following the release of Sumeru and the first Dendro characters, Genshin Impact puts Liyue back in the spotlight with the third rerun of Ganyu‘s “Adrift in the Harbor” Character Event Wish.

The 5-star Bow user stands tall as the best Cryo DPS in the game. She spearheaded the rise of Reverse-Melt teams that could take out hordes of enemies with just one Frostflake Arrow bloom.

If you’d like to have the Adeptus join your ranks, here are three easy Genshin Impact rituals that will hopefully bolster your chances of getting Ganyu.

3 Genshin Impact rituals that will — cross fingers — increase your chances of getting Ganyu

Deploy a Liyue Qixing or Adeptus-related team composition

Ganyu rituals composition in Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Joseph Asuncion/ONE Esports

Having signed a contract with Rex Lapis circa the Archon War (around 3,000 years ago), Ganyu spends her days helping citizens as the Liyue Qixing secretary. During her spare time, the Adeptus is probably training with Cloud Retainer at Mt. Aocang.

The Cryo queen is quite shy, but you can make her feel at home by adding familiar faces to your party. It would be best to field members of the Liyue Qixing, such as Keqing and Ningguang, or Adeptus-related characters like Shenhe and Yanfei.

Feel free to slot Qiqi into your party, for she very memorably made a cameo in Ganyu’s character demo.

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Make your wishes at Mt. Aocang

While most of her time is spent at Yujing Terrace, Ganyu considers Mt. Aocang — the residence of Cloud Retainer — as her second home.

Cloud Retainer has known the half-qilin Adeptus since forever, and even mentioned that she comforted Ganyu when she was young by caressing her horns.

The location is a nice getaway from the hustle and bustle of Liyue Harbor and its view of the Sea of Clouds is quite immaculate. To follow the ways of the Adepti, we suggest you take a seat at the stone table at the center and begin your wishing spree there.

Take a sip of coconut or goat milk before you roll

The legend of the Cocogoat by Qiqi in Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Joseph Asuncion/ONE Esports

We’ve all heard about the mysterious Cocogoat from Qiqi, but could it actually be true?

While Qiqi’s craving for Cocogoat milk was eventually revealed to be coconut milk, HoYoverse paid fanservice and had the tiny zombie meet the true Cocogoat in her character demo.

To keep the legend of the Cocogoat alive, take a sip of either coconut milk or goat milk (or both) before you click the wish button. If you happen to get Ganyu in your rolls, you can celebrate the sweet victory with another sip of the legendary Cocogoat milk.

Ganyu is available in V3.0’s “Adrift in the Harbor” Character Event Wish alongside Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Dori until September 27.

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