The popular Netflix anime Cyberpunk Edgerunners unravels the futuristic world of Night City, where David Martinez and his everyday crew take on odd jobs to make a decent eddie.

Crewmate Rebecca has become a fan favorite for her unique design, paired with a chaotic yet caring attitude. Don’t let her cute looks fool you, however, for the veteran edgerunner sure knows her way around a Satara shotgun.

It’s still a few decades away from 2077, but Chinese cosplayer SeeU was able to bring the pint-sized cyberpunk to life in her latest Rebecca cosplay.

SeeU is ready to hit the streets of Night City in her Rebecca cosplay

The cosplayer goes all out in portraying the Cyberpunk Edgerunners character. SeeU wore neon green pigtails and a Kitsch outfit, featuring an oversized coat and black undergarments. While Rebecca’s clothes are mostly black, there are neon outlines on the coat and boots that add a nice pop of color.

SeeU also nails the small details in Rebecca’s appearance, from the green cyber optics to the pink tattoos on her neck, stomach, and right leg. If you look closely at the photo where she holds two water guns, the cosplayer actually wore oversized red and blue gloves to imitate Rebecca’s cyberarms upgrade.

On top of the stunning costume, SeeU brings it all together in the way she poses as Rebecca. The cosplayer recreated two scenes straight out of the anime.

The photo with two water guns looks to be Rebecca during one of her rescue missions with David. The other one — where she’s dressed down with straight hair — is from the episode where the crewmate casually greets David at her door.

You can check out more of SeeU’s cosplays on her official Instagram account.

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