Palworld is a survival game that draws inspiration from Pokemon where you collect Pals and use them in battles.

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There are also elements that have been influenced by Pokemon as well, for instance, IVs in Palworld.

What exactly are IVs in Palworld?

Consider the two following Paladiuses at level 50, their stats vary. This variation stems from each Pal having its own set of randomly generated stat bonuses.

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While there’s no official term in Palworld for these bonuses, the community commonly refers to them as IVs (Individual Values), a term borrowed from Pokémon.

IVs impact your Pals’ Hit Points (HP), melee and range attacks, and defense.

Palworld What Are IVs in Palworld How To Calculate Them Paladius comparison
Screenshot by: Ethan Shin/ONE Esports

Understanding IVs is crucial for those aiming to assemble the strongest Pal lineup because the impact IVs have on stats widens as your Pal levels, making a big difference by level 50.

How to calculate IVs in Palworld? 

Dedicated fans have developed a method to calculate a Pal’s IVs.

According to a Redditor named, u/blahable, your Pals’ IVs can range from 0 to 100, with a 100 IV potentially enhancing a Pal’s stats by up to 30% from its base. 

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In order to calculate your Pals’ IVs in Palworld, you can use various online resources that are available. For example, you can visit Palpedia and click on “Builder”.

Palworld What Are IVs in Palworld How To Calculate Them Palpedia Builder
Credit: Palpedia, ONE Esports

From there, you can choose the Pal you would like to calculate by pressing the edit button beside the name of the Pal, input your Pal’s level.

Make sure it is on the “Calculate IV Bonus %” mode.

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Put all the relevant stats on the right side of the UI, and the column next to it will tell you the percent bonus of your IVs, the closer it gets to 30%, the stronger it will be.

Do note, that you would probably need to be at approximately level 8 to 10 in order to calculate your IV Bonus percentage more accurately.

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That’s because at level one, the change of stats from your Pals’ IVs don’t affect the default stats as much because they are too small to show a significant difference.

Palworld What Are IVs in Palworld How To Calculate Them calculating IVs
Credit: Palpedia, ONE Esports

With this knowledge, you can pursue Pals with higher IVs to maximize your lineup’s strength. If you aim to boost your Pals’ stats for a stronger lineup, you can hunt for Pals with higher IVs.

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Additionally, breeding two Pals with high IVs can increase the chances of producing an offspring with high IVs as well, offering a way to potentially influence the IVs of the Pals you want.

Be sure to check out our guides on breeding Pals, and how to make cakes in Palworld, which is essential for breeding.

For additional helpful guides, check out our Gaming section or join the ONE Esports Discord community.

READ MORE: All Palworld Legendary Schematics — how to get them