There was a flurry of announcements today regarding The International 10 with Valve announcing how to purchase tickets for the tournament, the free compendium for all players, and the list of broadcast talent.

This year’s TI will have an all-star cast of talent, with a combination of rising young stars and well-loved veterans.

TI10 talent for the English broadcast

TI10 Talents for English broadcast
Credit: Wykrhm Reddy


TI10 Talents for English Hosting
Credit: Wykrhm Reddy

The host’s job is to inform the audience of the upcoming matches, open discussion to the analysts, and keep the broadcast on schedule.

The English hosts for The International 10 are:

  • Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden
  • Frankie “Frankie” Ward
  • Jake “SirActionSlacks” Kanner
  • Alvaro “AvoPlus” Sanchez
  • Ted “PyrionFlax” Forsyth
  • Kasumi “Sumichu” Yogi


The analysts’ job will include being on the panel and providing information on the teams and their players, as well as discussing the drafts of both sides. Analysts will also serve as co-casters for some of the matches.

The English analysts for The International 10 are:

  • Kurtis “Aui_2000” Ling
  • Brian “BSJ” Canavan
  • Mira “Ephey Riad
  • Ioannis “Fogged” Loucas
  • Andrew “Jenkins” Jenkins
  • Kyle “melonzz” Freedman
  • Dominik “Lacoste” Stipić
  • Admir “lizZard” Salkanović
  • Michelle “Moxxi” Song
  • Kevin “Purge” Godec
  • Peter “ppd” Dager
  • Troels Lyngholt “syndereN” Nielsen


The commentator’s job is to explain to viewers what is happening during the game. They will explain what the players are doing and how the game is flowing. Rapping is an occasional bonus.

The English commentators for the International 10 are:

  • Austin “Capitalist” Walsh
  • Dakota “KotLGuy” Cox
  • Gareth “Gareth” Bateson
  • David “GoDz” Parker
  • Gabriel “Lyrical” Cruz
  • Owen “ODPixel” Davies
  • Shannon “SUNSfan” Scotten
  • Robson “TeaGuvnor” Merritt
  • Trent “TrentPax” MacKenzie
  • Neal “tsunami” Khandheria


The interviewers will be the ones who talk to the teams after their matches to discuss how the game went, what they are feeling, and what to expect in the future.

The English interviewer for The International 10 is:

  • Ken “Hot_Bid” Chen


The unsung heroes of esports. The observers are responsible for catching all the in-game action and displaying relevant information to the casters.

The English observers for The International 10 are:

  • Jonathan “PimpmuckL” Liebig
  • Rikard ‘skrff’ Holm Melin
  • Johan “Weppas” Westberg

TI10 talent for the Chinese broadcast

TI10, The International 10, Arena Nationala, Bucharest, Romania, Dota 2
Credit: Wykrhm Reddy

The International 10 will include a Chinese broadcast. The Chinese talent is listed below.

The Chinese hosts for The International 10 are:

  • Du “78” Junnan
  • Ma “Mashall” Shaowei

The Chinese analysts for The International 10 are:

  • Sun “M4” Yabin
  • Li “AA” Qiming
  • Chen “Ams” Juan
  • He “Inflame” Yongzheng
  • Shi “璨璨cc” Cancan
  • Zhou “bLink” Yang
  • Wang “Yuno” Jing

The Chinese commentators for The International 10 are:

  • Shi “Sdn” Danni
  • Hao “FreeAgain” Peng
  • Meng “Mrrr” Rui
  • Wang “风追忆” Zhibo
  • Wang “SanSheng” Zhaohui
  • Mi “YammerS” Hongwei

Content Creators

Content Creators focus on making videos with players, translating interviews, and performing skits during the events.

The Chinese content creators for The International 10 are:

  • Chang “Pepper” Li-chen
  • Zhang “Dove” Tiange

TI10 talent for the Russian broadcast

TI10 Talents for Russian Broadcast
Credit: Wykrhm Reddy

The International 10 will include a Russian broadcast. The Russian talent is listed below.

The Russian hosts for The International 10 are:

  • Dmitry “CrystalMay” Korchevinin
  • Mykhailo “Olsior” Zvieriev

The Russian analysts for The International 10 are:

  • Danil “Dendi” Ishutin
  • Artur “Goblak” Kostenko
  • Sergey “Smile” Revin
  • Ivan “Artstyle” Antonov
  • Roman “Resolut1on” Fomynok
  • Alexander “DkPhobos” Kucheria
  • Oleksandr “XBOCT” Dashkevych
  • Egor “JotM” Surkov
  • Dmitriy “LighTofHeaveN” Kupriyanov
  • Ilya “Lil” Ilyuk
  • Ilya “ALOHADANCE” Korobkin
  • Dmitry “Inmate” Filinov
  • Alexey “Solo” Berezin

The Russian commentators for The International 10 are:

  • Boris “B0rbe1” Belozerov
  • Alexey “BafiK” Bafadarov
  • Anton “4liver” Pavliukovets
  • Daria “Eiritel” Morozova
  • Viktor “GodHunt” Volkov
  • Alexey “Lex” Filippov
  • Rustam “Adekvat” Mavliutov
  • Vitalii Nikolaevich “v1lat” Volochai
  • Vladimir “Maelstorm” Kuzminov
  • Nikita “4ce” Kotkov
  • Pavel “9pasha” Khvastunov
  • Dmitry “NotInMyHouse” Krupnov
  • Yevhen “Sh4dowehhh” Alekseiev

These are the currently announced TI10 talent. Tell us if your favorite talent will be attending the event.

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