Before the Lunar New Year holidays, Weibo Gaming, who added superstar top laner Kang “TheShy” Seung-lok to their 2022 lineup, were on a roll with a 4-1 record.

In their first match after the break, mid laner Xiang “Angel” Tao was voted the MVP in game one against FunPlus Phoenix after a stellar performance on Orianna, where he laned against Kim “gori” Tae-woo who was playing his signature champion. A tough opponent, they managed to defeat them 2-1 and are now 5th in the standings.

Even though Weibo Gaming dropped game two in this series, Angel believed that choosing blue side in game three and changing up their top lane champions were most important in the decider, he said in a post-game interview with eSports Focus.

The mid laner also analyzed the best Akali builds in the current League of Legends patch 12.2 and 12.3 meta, and included a book recommendation.

Weibo Gaming’s mid laner Angel gives his take on the best Akali builds in the current meta

Weibo Gaming's mid laner Angel wins MVP of the match on Orianna against FunPlus Phoenix
Credit: LPL, screenshot by Weibo Gaming

Akali gained a lot of attention prior to patch 12.2 because of the overpowered Turbo Chemtank build. Instead of buying an AP Mythic item, players were taking advantage of the item’s passive, which gave them a great balance between damage and tankiness.

After the nerf to the item, her most common item build is AP once again.

“If you’re facing different heroes, you’ll need a different build,” Angel gave his two cents worth. “I feel that for Turbo Chemtank, perhaps if you’re fighting against mages, this is a better option.”

He also revealed that he’s been buying Everfrost on Akali lately, which is especially effective against assassins who do not have any tenacity.

“Of course, you can also buy Hextech Rocketbelt against mages,” he added. “I feel this depends on how much you play and if you develop a ‘what’s the best build’ feeling. I’ll get a feel for my build after looking at the opponents’ lineup.”

An avid reader, Angel was also asked if he had any good books to recommend to fans.

“I’ve been reading this book called ‘Dead White Men and Other Important People’ [by Angus Bancroft and Ralph Fevre], a book on sociology that’s written in story form,” Angel answered. “I think this book is pretty good.”

Watch the full eSports Focus interview on Weibo.

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