Blood Moon skins are highly sought-after thematics within the League of Legends universe.

This particular skinline portrays an ancient cult that draws power from the Blood Moon phenomenon, which refers to a total lunar eclipse when Earth (or in this case, Runeterra) passes between the sun and the moon, causing the moon appear reddish due to the shadow cast upon it.

PAX Twisted Fate splash art from League of Legends, a ONE Esports featured image for article "8 rarest League of Legends skins you’ll likely never own in this lifetime"
Credit: Riot Games
View the rarest skins in League of Legends here

Throughout various cultures and traditions, blood moons have been associated with diverse beliefs, often linked to omens, prophecies, or significant occurrences.

In League of Legends, the Blood Moon skins transform select champions into devoted followers, priestesses, demons, and more.

Complete list of all Blood Moon skins in League of Legends

  • Blood Moon Aatrox
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Evelynn
  • Blood Moon Fiddlesticks
  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Blood Moon Kalista
  • Blood Moon Katarina
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Blood Moon Master Yi
  • Blood Moon Pyke
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Sivir
  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Tryndamere
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Zed
  • Blood Moon Zilean
  • Blood Moon Zyra

Ranking all Blood Moon skins in League of Legends from worst to best

Blood Moon skins: Keep these in the dark

  • Blood Moon Talon
  • Blood Moon Tryndamere
  • Blood Moon Master Yi
  • Blood Moon Aatrox

The Blood Moon skins for Talon, Tryndamere, Master Yi, and Aatrox all boast stunning splash art, but their in-game execution falls short of capturing the thematic’s full potential.

Blood Moon Tryndamere’s visual effects and animations don’t align seamlessly with the aesthetic of the theme. The pink hues in his spells could have been deeper to better match the dark, ominous vibe associated with Blood Moon.

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Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
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Similarly, Blood Moon Aatrox’s portrayal in the splash art doesn’t translate effectively to his in-game appearance. The skin’s in-game model appears brighter than depicted in the splash art.

However, the skin compensates for these visual shortcomings with its impressive audio design, particularly evident in the demonic howl emitted when Aatrox casts his ultimate ability.

Blood Moon skins: Good omens

  • Blood Moon Diana
  • Blood Moon Shen
  • Blood Moon Sivir
  • Blood Moon Twisted Fate
  • Blood Moon Katarina
  • Blood Moon Kalista
  • Blood Moon Zyra
  • Blood Moon Zed
  • Blood Moon Fiddlesticks

Who better to embody the essence of the Blood Moon skinline than Diana, one of the most powerful warriors of the Lunari?

The intricacy and allure of Blood Moon Diana’s splash art make it a standout piece, which is why it’s no surprise that many LoL players have this skin in their collection.

Her in-game model lives up to expectations, particularly with the mesmerizing fusion of red and purple particle effects that imbue Diana with a sinister glow.

High Noon Lucian in ONE Esports image on "Ranking all High Noon skins in League of Legends"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
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While Blood Moon Sivir comes close to perfection, one aspect stands out: the design of her crossblade. The combination of gold, blue, and red colors in the crossblade’s design clashes with the overall thematic cohesion of the skin.

However, the skin’s recall animation is a saving grace. During the champion’s recall, the crossblade undergoes a stunning transformation into a blood moon.

As Sivir floats gracefully, facing the crimson celestial body, players are treated to a closer look at the exquisite details of the priestess’ costume.

Blood Moon skins: Burning red

  • Blood Moon Jhin
  • Blood Moon Thresh
  • Blood Moon Akali
  • Blood Moon Kennen
  • Blood Moon Zilean
  • Blood Moon Elise
  • Blood Moon Evelynn
  • Blood Moon Yasuo
  • Blood Moon Pyke

Akin to a popular Taylor Swift song, loving these skins was red.

Despite being released over a decade ago, Blood Moon Akali remains a timeless favorite among Blood Moon skins.

Its stunning splash art depicts Akali adorned in a vibrant red kimono, clutching a pair of blue kunoichi with elegant grace.

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Credit: Riot Games, Fortiche
Full list of League of Legends champions in Netflix’s Arcane and which episode they appear

The skin’s concept revolves around red and blue visual effects, with skill casts featuring ukiyo-e patterns, paying homage to Akali’s Japanese influences. Every detail is meticulously crafted, right down to the sparks that fly with each weapon clash, solidifying its status as one of the best Blood Moon skins to date.

Likewise, the Blood Moon skin of Akali’s fellow Kinkou Order member, Kennen, is among the elite. Its recall animation is nothing short of epic, as Kennen removes his mask to reveal a terrifying silhouette with glowing red eyes.

He hovers motionlessly as if possessed by the very spirit of the blood moon itself — a chilling sight indeed.

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READ MORE: Ranking all High Noon skins in League of Legends