The Modern Warfare 3 beta is in full swing, but not all weapons are readily available, and some require unlocking to use.

One of these is the COR 45, an incredibly strong pistol that many players want to have in their arsenal. In this article, we’ll be sharing how to unlock COR 45 in MW3.

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Here’s how to unlock COR 45 pistol in MW3

New COR 45 pistol in MW3
Credit: Matterz YouTube

The COR 45 shines in close range combat, and with the right attachments, this weapon can become similar to an SMG in how it fires.

Despite hitting level 20, the max in the MW3 beta, players were still finding the COR 45 to be locked. This was a decision by Sledgehammer Games, but it doesn’t mean you can’t use it.

You can unlock the new powerful pistol so long as you’ve reached level 20. Once you hit level 20, you’ll unlock the Gunner Vest, which you’ll need to equip.

This is where it gets a bit weird. Once you have it equipped, you’ll actually swap back to an Engineer Vest. After swapping back from the Gunner to the Engineer, you’ll find that the COR 45 will be equipped as your secondary.

It will still say locked, but that’s okay.

If at this point you still don’t understand, here’s a video from Matterz on YouTube to give you a visual explanation and some footage so you can see the powerful MW3 pistol in action.

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