Back from an offseason break since Worlds 2022 ended, League of Legends analyst and content creator Nick “LS” De Cesare announced in a YouTube video that he had been diagnosed with autism with severe Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

The former head coach and shoutcaster had dealt with mental issues all his life. Despite seeing multiple doctors, he could not get a conclusive diagnosis prior to this.

LS had always been open about his struggles, maintaining transparency and keeping an open channel with the League of Legends community over the years.

Last year, after moving back to South Korea after a short stint as Cloud9’s head coach in LCS Spring 2022, he went back to livestreaming and content creation full-time.

Through a series of events, LS finds out he’s on the autism spectrum disorder

LS as head coach of Cloud9 for 2022 LCS season
Credit: Cloud9

LS shared that he had gone through a lot of therapy growing up — almost 3,000 hours — and was hospitalized multiple times and put on several different medications.

He put out a tweet that he was again looking for suitable doctors who could look at his condition in July 2022, for he was feeling mentally overwhelmed. He took up a recommendation and found a doctor whom he’s stuck with ever since.

“She thought that the way I was, almost, stubborn in my thoughts, or how obsessive I am with certain tendencies I have with my thoughts, struck her as a little bit odd especially having ruled out other things,” shared LS.

“She felt confident finally telling me that she believed there’s a possibility that I might be autistic.”

He got a full, proper assessment done at a medical center in South Korea in October 2022 in English, taking every test they had to offer so that he could “have the largest comprehensive picture” on his mental health.

The tests concluded in December, and it was not until January 2023 that the evaluation was completed and a diagnosis given.

“I’ve lived my whole life and I just got diagnosed autistic and it makes me feel really weird in that no one pointed it out growing up,” the 29-year-old said. “There were lots of signs that could have led to this happening way sooner, and so I feel like a lot of time was lost.”

He added that he always felt different from others, almost abnormal, and would get upset at things that others don’t usually get upset about, nor could he understand their feelings.

The therapy he’s been receiving will take a different approach post-diagnosis, and he will start taking medication for anxiety and ADHD soon.

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