The arrival of the Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 3 update marks the addition of a brand new sniper rifle known as the MORS. The MORS sniper rifle is a single-load railgun that has the potential to deliver a high-damage payload with excellent velocity and penetration.

However, you can’t use this sniper rifle in the game right away because it’s locked upon release. Therefore, we’ll show you the entire process to help you unlock the MORS sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 3.

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How to get MORS sniper rifle in Warzone and MW3 Season 3

MW3 and Warzone Season 3 battle pass
Credit: Activision

The only way to unlock the MORS sniper rifle is by completing Sector 4 of the Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 3 battle pass. Thankfully, it’s a free-to-unlock weapon, which means you can save your money and COD points instead of buying the premium variant of the battle pass.

If you want to quickly get your hands on this brand new gun, we suggest completing weekly challenges, playing matches, and scoring a ton of kills, which ultimately rewards you with battle pass tokens. You can use these tokens to unlock free rewards from the battle pass, including the mighty MORS.

Apart from this, Activision may instantly reward players with this new sniper rifle when they purchase the premium BlackCell Battle Pass for $29.99. This will also grant them the premium rewards that the free battle pass doesn’t offer.

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What does the MORS sniper rifle offer?

The MORS, also known as the Military Operated Rail Sniper, is an advanced form of sniper warfare that has the potential to take down the enemy in a single shot.

Not only this, but the weapon offers serious damage with exceptional handling, which is essential for any long-range weapon in the game.

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However, you will need to reload your MORS sniper rifle after every shot, but its rapid reload rate won’t let you down on the battleground.

As always, you can enhance the performance of this weapon by pairing it with the right attachments. Therefore, make sure to check back for the loadout guide if you’re unable to figure out the best class setup.

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