With anime-style characters and an expansive open world ripe for exploration, fans are left pondering: Is Wuthering Waves same as Genshin Impact?

HoYoverse’s Genshin Impact, a groundbreaking title in the gacha genre since its 2020 debut, brings players into the fictional realm of Teyvat. Following the journey of twins Aether and Lumine, it intertwines storytelling with quests and encounters with Archons and Fatui Harbingers.

Wuthering Waves key visual
Credit: Kuro Games
Wuthering Waves: Characters, gameplay

Celebrated for its stunning visuals, narrative depth, and vast world, Genshin Impact set a high bar. Now, years later, a new game releases, echoing its essence from a different developer.

The similarities between Wuthering Waves and Genshin Impact

Both Wuthering Waves and Genshin Impact are open-world RPGs with gacha systems featuring pity and 50/50 mechanics for character pulls, categorized into 4-star and 5-star rarities.

Each game is led by a male and female protagonist — Rovers in Wuthering Waves and Travelers in Genshin Impact.

Wuthering Waves characters Yangyang, Baizhi, Chixia
Credit: Kuro Games

Wuthering Waves incorporates elemental gameplay with Fusion (Fire), Glacio (Ice), Conducto (Lightning), Aero (Wind), Havoc (Dark), and Spectra (Light). Genshin Impact features seven elements — Hydro, Pyro, Anemo, Cryo, Geo, Dendro, and Electro.

With all these similarities, you might wonder — is Wuthering Waves same as Genshin Impact?

Is Wuthering Waves same as Genshin Impact?

Yes, Wuthering Waves shares many similarities with Genshin Impact, such as their genre, gameplay mechanics, and gacha system.

Elden Ring and Dvalin from Genshin Impact in ONE Esports featured image for article 5 reasons why Elden Ring and Genshin Impact are basically the same game
Credit: ONE Esports, HoYoverse, Bandai Namco Entertainment
5 reasons why Elden Ring and Genshin Impact are basically the same game

Since both fall into the same genre, it’s natural for there to be considerable overlap between the two games.

However, while there are numerous commonalities, Wuthering Waves isn’t identical to Genshin Impact. Its distinct visual style and combat mechanics help differentiate it from HoYoverse’s renowned title.

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READ MORE: Wuthering Waves pre register: How to sign up and receive rewards