For those looking for a nostalgic Call of Duty: Black Ops experience in Fortnite, a player by the name of Jesgran cleverly created a Nuketown-inspired Creative map.

The full time Fortnite Creative designer did a bang up job of recreating the look of the original Nuketown. The map features the signature passages into the back gardens with a hollow moving truck right in the middle of the map.

The details go even further with the two main houses having window perches that are ideal for your sniping endeavors. With Fortnite’s third-person perspective, the map turns into a hectic run-and-gun arena, offering perfect getaway from the game’s usual battle royale mode.

In its default settings, the Nuketown map goes straight into Gun Game, a game mode where you cycle through all the best and worst guns when you eliminate someone. With the usual final weapon being the ballistic knife in Black Ops, Jesgran tweaked the game mode to now give a Mythic Gold Fish that deals 200 damage.

If you’re looking for more objective-based modes, this map also has got you covered. Other modes available on Jesgran’s map include Search & Destroy, Snipers Only, and Domination. You can check out the map codes for those in the last picture in the gallery below.

Jesgran also plans to add Hardpoint, Capture the Flag, and Gunfight modes to the map’s many choices in future updates.

If you’d like to check out the Fortnite Nuketown map for yourself, head into Creative mode and input the map code (6722-4469-6989) to one your rift portals.

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