The U Assist Veterans event arrives in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone as a part of the Season 3 reloaded update.

The event is basically themed around the Call of Duty Endowment program that provides grants to the best-performing charities that prepare veterans to compete for high-quality jobs.

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Credit: Activision, ONE Esports
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However, when it comes to the gameplay, the U Assist Veterans event requires you to complete a variety of tasks in order to unlock a bunch of rewards including Blazon animated camo.

With that said, here’s everything you need to know about U Assist Veterans event arrives in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone.

All challenges and rewards in MW3 and Warzone U Assist Veterans event

U Assist Veterans event rewards in MW3 and Warzone
Credit: Activision

Before diving into the details, it’s worth noting that this event runs until May 22, so make sure to complete all the challenges and grab the rewards before the deadline.

“Eyes in the Sky” animated calling cardDeploy five UAV killstreaksDestroy five Counter-UAVs in Mercenary campsDeploy 10 UAV killstreaks
“Ultimate Assist” emblemGet 40 operator assistsSuccessfully exfil 10 timesGet 20 operator assists
“Autonomous Advantage” large decalDeploy 10 Mosquito Drone killstreaksUse the Pack-a-Punch machine 20 timesDeploy 20 Bomb Drone killstreaks
Double weapon XP tokenDeploy 30 Munitions Box field upgradesUse the Pack-a-Punch machine 20 timesDeploy 20 Armor Box field upgrades
“Helping Hand” weapon stickerDeploy 30 Med Box field upgradesRevive 20 teammates with Quick Revive activeDeploy four Portable Buy Stations
Double XP tokenDeploy 10 Counter-UAV killstreaksExtract 36,000 total EssenceDeploy 20 Counter-UAV killstreaks
“Search and Reveal” charmSpot 40 operators with Snapshot GrenadesSell 700 Essence worth of items at Buy StationsSpot 20 operators with Snapshot Grenades

Apart from this, complete seven challenges in any order across your preferred mode or modes to unlock the U Assist Veterans Challenge mastery reward, the “Blazon” Animated Weapon Camo.

Operator engaged in combat in fron of a Warzone bunker
Credit: Activision

Activision Blizzard will also donate $1 for every match you play from May 8 to May 22, if you use five or more UAVs in Modern Warfare III by yourself or with your team in Call of Duty: Warzone.

This is part of a $1 million pledge that Activision Blizzard has given to the Endowment to support U.S. and U.K. veterans in finding quality jobs.

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