Updated on January 25, 1 p.m. (GMT+8): Improved relevancy.

If there’s one marksman hero who is king of the laning phase, it would be Clint, the West Justice.

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His first skill, Quick Draw, is one of the most lethal harass skills in the game. Chances are that you’ll have to tower hug in the first five minutes of the game when you’re up against him in the lane, at least until backup arrives.

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But don’t let Clint’s sharpshooting skills scare you too much – there are ways to take him down. While a skilled Clint player can make life difficult for anyone, there are heroes out there who can hold their own against him.

3 heroes that are perfect counters to Clint in Mobile Legends


Beatrix is a popular marksman hero no matter the meta. She has four different guns that cater to different situations, making her a solid flex pick in the game.

Against Clint, Beatrix can go with her sniper rifle, Renner. The range of the gun allows her to deal damage from afar, avoiding Clint’s skills, which have a much shorter range. If he gets close, Beatrix can simply dash away with Tactical Reposition.

Mobile Legends Beatrix guide: Best build, skills, emblems, combos article
Credit: ONE Esports
Mobile Legends Beatrix guide: Best build, skills, emblem, combos
The 3 best heroes to counter Beatrix in Mobile Legends

However, Beatrix creates more of a skill-based matchup. Hitting an enemy with Renner takes a bit of practice, but she’s the best option if you’re going up against Clint in the gold lane.

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Harley is the most annoying mage to play against, especially if you are a marksman who has little to no mobility. Clint doesn’t have any reliable dash skills, making him vulnerable to Harley’s Deadly Magic and Poker Trick combo.

If the cowboy tries to fight back, Harley can teleport away with Space Escape. One good way to tackle Clint is to use Harley’s Deadly Magic ultimate in combination with Poker Trick and Space Escape.

Mobile Legends Harley guide: Best build, skills, emblems, combos article
Credit: ONE Esports
Mobile Legends Harley guide: Best build, skills, emblem, combo
The 3 best heroes to counter Harley in Mobile Legends

Deadly Magic casts a ring of fire on an enemy hero, which will remain for four seconds. Once the ring’s duration is over, the affected hero will lose health based on the damage Harley and his allies inflict during its duration.

Harley can cast Space Escape to get close, use Deadly Magic and Poker Trick to inflict burst damage, and then return to his original position again with Space Escape. This is almost always a sure kill unless the enemy hero builds Winter Truncheon, which is hardly recommended for a marksman hero.


Belerick is the tank you don’t want to face if you rely on basic attacks. The Guard of Nature is a walking Blade Armor with his passive, Deadly Thorns, which releases thorns around him that deal damage every time he receives damage.

His first skill, Ancient Seed, also taunts enemies caught in the area. If you are up against Clint, building Blade Mail and Antique Cuirass is enough to give him a hard time when dealing damage.

Read this before you start playing Belerick in ranked
Credit: ONE Esports
Read this before you start playing Belerick in ranked

Belerick may not be a top-tier pick in the current meta, but he remains a strong choice against heroes with high attack speed and damage like the fast-shooting gunslinger.

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