SK Telecom T1 (SKT) is finally back on track at the Mid-Season Invitational.

The South Korean squad and League of Legends Champions Korea (LCK) obliterated League Master Series’ (LMS) Flash Wolves to finish with 5 wins and 3 losses so far.

The action started past the level 6 Champion mark as SKT Kim “Khan” Dong-ha’s Sylas dived under the middle turret lane to get first blood on FW Shin “Rather” Hyeong-seop’s Orianna with help from SKT Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok‘s Azir and SKT Kim “Clid” Tae-min’s Vi.

FW Rather’s death was immediately followed by another one as SKT Faker and SKT Clid teamed up to do another mid-lane gank.

The consistent, powerful combination of SKT Clid, SKT Khan, and SKT Faker stood out throughout the game, winning fights and widening the gold gap for the team and making it difficult for Flash Wolves to make advances.

With the Baron buff, a stack of three ocean drake buffs, two mountain drake buffs and a whooping 10,000 gold lead on their side, SKT took down two of FW’s inhibitors. The final clash of the match resulted in a massacre as all of Flash Wolves’ members got picked off one-by-one by SK Telecom T1 and the match ended with two deaths and 16 kills for SKT.

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