League of Legends Lead Gameplay Designer Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison posted a preview of LoL patch 14.9.

This patch comes after the Mid-Season Invitational 2024 LoL patch 14.8, so you can expect that it’ll have more impact on champions used in ranked.

Ornn, Jayce, Kai'Sa, and Taliyah in LoL key visual, a featured image for ONE Esports article "Exclusive: How this Rioter leveled up from intern to League of Legends Lead Game Designer"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
Exclusive: How this Rioter leveled up from intern to League of Legends Lead Game Designer

The update targets fighter item adjustments, putting a dimmer on three of them while buffing two, and updates champion hitboxes across the board for more consistency.

How Riot Games is thinking about power creep pass in LoL patch 14.9 onwards

Power creep in gaming is defined as the gradual introduction of characters, items, or abilities that are significantly more powerful than what existed before. This can make older content and characters feel obsolete.

The game dev team will be addressing these issues according to priorities in this order:

Heartsteel band and poros in ONE Esports featured image for article "Exclusive: What do Heartsteel and Poros have in common? Rioters reveal secret document"
Credit: ONE Esports
Exclusive: What do Heartsteel and Poros have in common? Rioters reveal secret document
  1. Champions with outsized levels of frustration at their current power level. For example, a 10% ban rate on Zed isn’t “functional.”
  2. Champions with known high mastery who are sitting over 50%. For instance, if Azir is sitting over 50%, it’s a good indicator that something is wrong with the game’s overall balance.
  3. Champions who have been stale for a long time at a “high side of balanced” power level. They are technically balanced, but balanced is a wide spectrum, and they’ve been sitting on the borderline of overpowered for a while.

Riot Phroxzon identified Draven as an example who fits into the first scenario. Even though he’s not overpowered, he’s “pretty frustrating” when he is in the meta. “We’ll be monitoring his frustration closely and expect it to go down over time,” he stated.

LoL patch 14.9 champion buffs

Empyrean Malzahar splash art in League of Legends
Credit: Riot Games
  • Amumu
  • Karma
  • Kennen
  • Malzahar
  • Sejuani
  • Seraphine

LoL patch 14.9 champion nerfs

Porcelain Protector Aurelion Sol skin splashart official wallpaper
Credit: Riot Games
  • Ahri
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Blitzcrank
  • Evelynn
  • Jinx
  • Kassadin
  • Master Yi
  • Olaf
  • Pyke
  • Skarner
  • Taliyah
  • Twitch
  • Urgot


Skarner has been performing well because LoL players have learned how to optimize him in the jungle. As such, the dev team is hitting him with yet another nerf after patch 14.8’s hotfix.

“He’s turned out to be pretty Elite skewed — hard spiking on level 9, as well as optimization heavy. We’re thinking about ways to even out his skew between roles. Ideally, jungle and top are both viable, but with top having a healthy lane pattern and jungle being a primary role,” explained Riot Phroxzon.

LoL patch 14.9 adjustments

Three Honors Akshan skin splashart official wallpaper
Credit: Riot Games
  • Akshan
  • Bel’Veth
  • Janna
  • Nilah

LoL patch 14.9 item changes

System buffs

  • Death’s Dance

System nerfs

Sentinel Olaf skin splashart official wallpaper
Credit: Riot Games
  • Eclipse
  • Sundered Sky
  • Sterak’s Gage

System adjustments

  • Hexdrinker
  • Maw of Malmortius

According to Riot Phroxzon, Sterak’s Gage, Eclipse, and Sundered Sky are “dominating their slots.” After the nerfs on this patch, the dev team expects these three items to be able to compete with Black Cleaver and Death’s Dance as viable options on both heavy and light fighters.

Adjustments to Maw of Malmortius is intended to make it “less of a sharp ‘always counter'” to magic damage champions by “focusing more of its defensive power budget relatively in the shield, rather than just face tanking all Magic Damage,” wrote Riot Phroxzon.

LoL patch 14.9 addresses champion hitboxes

Winter Blessed Hwei skin, a featured image for ONE Esports article "Exclusive: How your favorite League of Legends champion themes are really made"
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
Exclusive: How your favorite League of Legends champion themes are really made

Riot Games admits that champion hitboxes have been inconsistent for the longest time. David “Riot Phreak” Turley leads this set of changes.

Champions will be more consistent to click on (both click to attack and select), with hitboxes that feel in line with their size.

For example, Warwick and Briar will not be Yordle sized and Viktor will not be much larger to click on than Leona, Riot Phroxzon explained.

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