After originally announcing plans to hold an online experience to replace this year’s canceled E3, ESA has now confirmed that it won’t be happening after all.

“Given the disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be presenting an online E3 2020 event in June.  Instead, we will be working with exhibitors to promote and showcase individual company announcements, including on, in the coming months,” said an ESA representative to PC Gamer.

Prior to this announcement, DOOM: Eternal publisher and E3 major exhibitor Bethesda already revealed that they will not be holding a digital showcase for their fans.

ESA is planning to execute a “reimagined” version of the E3 next year, June 2021.

E3 2020 was originally scheduled for June 9 – 11, but had been canceled due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

It is just one of many events and tournaments to be disrupted by the outbreak in the past few months.

READ MORE: Dates set for next year’s “reimagined” E3