Grizzbolt is a powerful Pal with an electric element type, and stands out as a top favorite among Pals in Palworld.

This guide aims to assist you in how to breed Grizzbolt or find him in the wild. Although acquiring one of these electric beasts isn’t excessively difficult, new players might encounter some challenges.

How to breed Grizzbolt in Palworld the best way

Mossanda Rayhound Palworld
Credit: OfficialDarku YouTube Channel

To ensure a Grizzbolt egg, you’ll need a Mossanda and a Rayhound. We have marked the location of both Pals on the above map. You can find the Rayhound near the red arrow and the Mossanda near the black one. The breeding center unlocks at level 19.

Once you have a male or female Mossanda, place it into the breeding pen along with the male or female counterpart of a Rayhound. They’ll indicate the need for cake; refer to the on-screen prompt for cake ingredients. After making the cake, place it in the box. 

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Breeding takes time, so be patient until the egg is laid. Remember, one cake per egg. Once the egg is laid, transfer it to an incubator and wait for it to hatch. After the timer is up, your Grizzbolt will hatch from the egg.

Where to find Grizzbolt in Palworld — Location

Grizzbolt Palworld map
Credit: OfficialDarku YouTube Channel
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You can find Grizzbolt in the small settlement or the Sea Breeze Archipelago, Castaway Beach, located far south on the map. The Pal spawns only in the first Sanctuary, which is also located far south on the map. No matter which fast travel point you choose, head towards the first Sanctuary. Be cautious, as this area is guarded by officers, so stealth is key to avoid danger. Keep an eye out for Grizzbolt spawns around level 20 on this island.

So, that’s how you can get Grizzbolt both from the wild and through breeding. Additionally, if you have a male and female verson of the Pal, you can breed them to produce more eggs.

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