If you were looking for who has the smallest hitbox in Apex Legends to have the upper hand in gunfights, you have come to the right place. 

Every Legend in Apex Legends has a hitbox on their character model that marks where they can take damage from incoming fire. Typically, the larger the model size, the bigger the hitbox. 

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But when it comes to competitive FPS games like Apex Legends, there are many steps that the developers take to balance the hitbox sizes, making it hard for players to know which who has the smallest hitbox in Apex Legends. 

Who has the smallest hitbox in Apex Legends?

Apex Legends dummy shooting range
Screenshot by Hritwik Raj/ ONE Esports

At the time of writing, except for three legends, namely Caustic, Gibraltar, and Newcastle, every other Legend has a similar hitbox size.

Previously, Wraith was the sole Legend with the smallest hitbox Apex players could use at a size of 33 sq cm. Moreover, combined with her crouch and other animations, players could lower her hitbox further, making them harder to hit. 

Wrait in Apex Legends Mobile trailer
Screenshot by Joseph Asuncion/ONE Esports

Wraith was not only the most picked Legend in the game, but she also became the most feared one, thanks to the TTVs and pro players who managed to use Wraith’s movement to an extent that not even Respawn would have imagined. 

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The smallest hitbox in Apex Legends at the time was dominating.

Smallest hitbox in Apex Legends was nerfed

As a result, during season 8, she got nerfed, with one of the significant changes being an increase in her hitbox size. Moreover, that was not enough, as now, we had more than one Legend, namely Wraith, Wattson, Lifeline and Bloodhound, with the smallest hitbox. 

So, in season 9, Respawn removed the Low Profile perk, which increased the damage inflicted on the Legends with the smallest hitbox by 5%.

In addition, in season 11, Respawn increased the general hitbox size for Wattson and others to compensate for the removal of the Low Profile perk. 

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That being said, while some players say that Legends like Lifeline, Bloodhound, Conduit, Wraith, and Wattson have small hitboxes, no official comparison or statement confirms that these Legends currently have the smallest hitbox size. 

So is there a smallest hitbox in Apex Legends in 2024?

Apex Legends fortified perk
Screenshot by Hritwik Raj/ ONE Esports

At the moment, we can say that the Legends with the Fortified Perk have the biggest hitboxes. Except for them, almost every Legend has a similar hitbox size.

So, there is no particular Legend who has the smallest hitbox in Apex Legends. 

READ MORE: Apex Legends tier list: Best Legends to use right now